Fantasy- Our Imagination Shines!

We love Role Playing, whether Amtgard or other Cosplay, though we tend to more freedom of expression…

We offer everything from Elven  Crowns and Elaborate Adult Wings, to simple floral headbands  and Childrens wings for fun at an affordable price…

Simple hobbit cloaks and Elaborate Elven Cloaks, Viking Furs and leg warmers’

Almost all our items are one of a kind, because that is the wonder of creating.

We’ve always adored Facepainting…have done it for a number of festivals, but now we have introduced our Glow in the Dark ! Be prepared for a longer session to make these happen, but I can’t wait to play with the new paints!

We still do fantasy painting for the Littles and their Bigs, but are excited about this new media we will be working with. We hope to introduce body paint baths at a later date as well! Watch for it…

Magical things are happening at Herbhome..Gigi Hawke is in creative mode…
Our Spirit Dolls live on Driftwood pieces from the Mighty Rivers that carve out our hills and hollows.

For the Mermaid lovers and Sea Kings out there , we are now doing Shell Crowns ..visions of Sea Magic and mystical shores. While the neck adornments of shell fascinate.

The Deep Woods inspired crowns from the realm of the Fae and the Old Ones…woodland crowns and floral wreaths, ones for the horned creatures and those who dance….

For those who wear dreads, we have beads and bun wraps, fun extensions and slouch beannies…

The Littles will love our Tiny Wings, while the venturesome Big may want a set of the more costly led wings…

Gigi Hawke’s Alchemy and Apothecary brings protection necklaces, Blessing bottle necklaces and then the ever present potions! Her magical Alchemy has apparated luxurious soaps and sundries for your comfort , while the candles from the golden bees wax glow with a stronger , pure light than most!

The busy hands of the Fae folk have created pixie skirts , swirling gypsy skirts to dance in , cloaks for warmth and halter tops for coolness on the summers eve… glowing paper lanterns light your way down woodland paths.

So enter our world at the Festivals and see who returns …
